The Lund's

The Lund's


First Date- Our story part 2

If you haven't read Part 1 yet, read it here if you would like :)

Fast forward a year and a half later.
I had completely forgotten about that strange boy that I had kissed on the cheek.
At that time I was a Jr. in High school and I had my eye on this "hot, popular" senior.
This boy and I had gone out a few times together and I was TOTALLY smitten. Man did I think he was the cream of the crop!
But, he being a typical guy, was hard to read. He would go like a month here and there completely ignoring me and then out of no where text me out of the blue and all of a sudden be really interested in me again. Ugh he was so annoying. But since I was just a naive girl at the time, I  let him come back every time with open arms. I'm pretty sure he new how much I liked him and used it against me. Jerk. He would put me on the back burner while something better (cough cough, cheerleaders) came along. And as soon as that ended, came running back to me. And I fell for it every. single. time.
It was January and during an "off" month with this boy. 
I remember getting a text from a unknown number.
"Hey, Lindsie! This is Alek Lund. How are you?"
"Um.... Who is Alek Lund?" I asked my friend.
"Isn't he the one who was going out with "So and So" awhile ago?
I knew who "so and so" was but I still couldn't picture Alek's face. I went home and actually looked him up in the year book. 
Ah. We'll just say, I didn't get butterflies. My young heart was still focused else where.
I texted Al here and there, mostly because I felt bad ignoring him. I never saw avoided him at school because I was scared of the awkwardness. We had never spoke in person.
Then, a couple weeks with this awkward texting, He sent me a text asking me to go on this group date with him. Yes, he asked me out on our first date through texting. LAME!
I couldn't find a way out of it, so I agreed to go. 

Friday night rolled around and I was dreading this date! To make matters worse, My dreamy senior texted me about an hour before Alek was due to pick me up and invited me to go to the high school basketball game with him. Ahhhh! I was DYING! Oh how I wanted to back out on this date with Alek so bad! 
I hadn't heard from mc-dreamy for awhile now and here he was asking me to hang out with him, on all nights!. I was so mad. And of course I couldn't tell him I was going on a date because that would be the end of Mr. Hot Senior. So, he kept texting and bugging me the whole night wondering why I couldn't go to the game!

Anyways... the date ended up not being so bad. We went to Crystal Hot Springs and actually I had a lot of fun! I was worried about the group because I didn't know anyone too well but if you have ever hung out with Alek's group of friends.. There isn't a moment when you are not laughing. They are hilarious.  
One moment of the night that really stuck out to me was when we were all sitting in one of the hot tubs. Alek all of a sudden jumps out and reaches out his hand for me to grab and asked for me to follow him. 
I am not a really touchy person. So grabbing his hand was a super big deal. I still have the slow motion vision of me reaching and grabbing his hand still in my head.
We held hands and he lead me toward the cold pool. 
Not going to lie holding hands made me feel like I was cheating on my senior but I still could't help but feel the butterflies. 
"We're going to jump in ok?" 
Ugh...are you kidding? I'm not a fan of cold. I stuck my toe in and just doing that took my breath away.
"On the count of 3." I rolled my eyes and decided.. whatever, let's get this over with.
On 3 he squeezed my hand even tighter and we jumped in. I have never been that cold! I couldn't breath normally for hours later. :)

After the date I was surprised with how much fun I had. It hadn't been half as bad as I was expecting. But, still I couldn't wait to get home and text Mr. senior.

Crazy thing is...
 I get home and My parents ask me who I went out with. I told them Alek Lund and both of them just stood there, mouths open, not saying anything.... "Did I say something wrong?"
"Did you say Lund?? Are his parents Kurt and Terena?"
"Uh... I don't know?"
"Does he live out in Mendon?"

Turns out my parents use to be way good friends with Alek's parents. Went to high school together. Our moms danced together. They went on double dates. And when they were pregnant, they even joked about us growing up and getting married. We joke now that we had a pre-arranged marriage.

But at that time, finding out my parents knew who Alek and his parents were was an even more turn off to me. That's so weird my parents know more about Alek than I do! My dad asked me if I liked Alek that night and I immediately told him no and that I wasn't too interested in him. This bummed my parents  out.

Next up: Our first high school dance. Not what you're expecting. :)


Truth or Dare- Part 1

One of my favorite things to talk about is my husband and our story.
I got this idea from a fellow blogger. She told her whole story starting out how she and her husband met all the way until they got married. 
Of course it took a few different posts to get all the details in but I loved reading all the funny and awkward things that happen through the time they spent dating.
Since I've known Al for a LONG time. I figured I would try this out. It's been so much fun to think about those good old high school days and take a trip down memory lane. :)

The first memory I have of Alek was 6 years ago, Sophomore year, 2008. My group of friends were over at April's house just hanging out like we did almost every weekend. My other friend Annie was crushing on this kid, Tyson, that just so happened to be pretty good friends with Al. Tyson came over to hang out with Annie and brought a few friends with him, including Al. I had know idea who Alek was at the time. And boy, he seemed like he did not want to be there. He kind of just sat back on the corner couch and didn't really talk.
 We all sat down and started watching a movie and Alek fell asleep on the couch.
After the movie was over, a game of truth or dare sprouted. It wasn't long before one of the other boys in the group dared April and I to kiss Alek (who was still asleep-or so he made us believe) on the cheek. You know how girls are at that age right? We started freaking out and blushing like crazy! 
"What if he wakes up?!"
"You go first!"
"No, you go first!"
We were definitely making a scene. 
Finally we both sucked it up and got the courage and both took our turns kissing sweet lil Al on the cheek. It was the fastest little pecks in history. It was a big deal to innocent lil' me because I just kissed someone on the cheek that was a total stranger! But, Alek didn't budge at all and stayed fast asleep.

Fast forward a couple years, when Alek and I were dating. 
Al brings up the time that I had kissed him on the cheek. I had completely forgotten about it and was completely blown away!!
"That was you??!"
He admitted to being awake the whole time. He was just pretending to sleep because he didn't want to be there and Tyson dragged him along. Al said he has never had to use so much self control in his life. He thought for sure at any moment he would bust up laughing.
I thought it was the craziest thing! I didn't even know that kid was that I kissed all those years ago and here we were dating and talking about it!  And still even crazier...who would've ever thought 6 years later we would be married with a kid on the way. So much fun to think about :)

Since I love pictures, but I have no pictures of that particular incident. I decided to put some of these throwbacks up of me and my girls. Love you guys! 

Stay tuned for the next post about mine and Al's first date!