The Lund's

The Lund's


and then there were four...

If you haven't heard yet.....

Yep, that's right. We are expecting baby number 2 in January! EEEEeeekk!

Are we crazy? YEP!!!

Was it planned?? Well... we weren't doing anything to prevent it from happening... so, YEP!

I go back and forth every 5 minutes to having a panic attack to being really excited.

Here's just an idea of what goes on in my head:

"Oh my gosh, what were we thinking?!"
"I hope it's a BOY!"
"I'm sooooo excited!"
"Oh, I'm sooo sick."
"I hope it's a GIRL!"
"OMG.... what if it's twins."
"Alek this is all your fault!"
"I'm so glad we decided to do this!"
while looking at Jenson...."I don't know how I'm going to handle two of you."
"I need to lay down."
"I'm starving."
"I'm so fat!"

Okay... you get the point. Emotions are going crazy!

When we found out I was pregnant, we were both shocked. I was a week late but had literally taken 4 pregnancy tests that week and all had shown up negative. I was disappointed every time. So, it helped reassure me, that this WAS something I wanted. I had one pregnancy test left and I didn't want to waste it just to get another negative but, Al talked me into it and then he completely forgot about it... typical men! I didn't look at the test forever, I didn't want to be crushed again by seeing another negative! Finally I looked and seeing that positive sign just made me start laughing! Seriously, all I could do was laugh. Al didn't understand what was so funny for about 2 minutes. And then, all the colored drained from his face and he put two and two together. "You're pregnant." It wasn't a question but, I started laughing again as I nodded my head yes. I don't know why I laughed. Probably just shock. Alek couldn't stop saying, "Oh my goodness." and "What are we going to do?" He couldn't say anything else for about 10 minutes. He was a little freaked out at first but now we are both very excited for the adventures that lays ahead.

Jenson and baby #2 will be just under 18 months apart. I would be sooo happy if it's a boy, because then Jenson and him will be best buds! I also would be sooo happy if it's a girl because then I will have one of each. If I have a boy this time, then there will be a lot more pressure that baby #3 is a girl. I have to have at least one girl! Anyways to sum it up, we will be happy with either! We will be going down to Fetal Studio in Sandy here in a few weeks to find out the gender. Ooooooh I can't wait!!!

So, far, this pregnancy had been rough. When I say rough, I mean worse than my first. But, I had a SUPER easy pregnancy with Jenson. I have felt pretty sick. I have yet to throw up, well except for one time at Harry Potter world but, that was just because of a stupid ride I went on. I get really nauseated really easily and didn't feel like eating much. This is completely opposite from when I was pregnant with Jenson. I didn't get sick at all!! That's why Alek is positive it's a girl. Being sick has been hard, especially when we were on our cruise. I had such a hard time enjoying the vacation!

Also, like last pregnancy I have been completely exhausted 24/7. I seriously could sleep all day long and still sleep through the night. I have had no motivation whatsoever. I live for Jenson's naptimes which is when I also take a nap. The littlest things, like washing bottles, making the bed, or brushing my teeth, are sooo hard to get myself to do! Seriously!! I have been the laziest bum for the passed 12 weeks! My poor husband. :(

So far, I have craved popcorn, salads, and fruit. And just like last pregnancy I can't get enough WATERMELON!!! At least this time, it's actually in season. :) 

I'm almost 13 weeks. So,  almost out of the first trimester. Hopefully I'll be getting my energy back here soon! I had my first doctors appointment and ultrasound a week ago and I couldn't believe how much this little babe looked like an actually baby!! Jenson still looked like an alien at his first ultrasound. I was shocked! I was like, "Oh my goodness, It really is a baby in there!" That's when it first seems real. We are really going to have another baby. I am going to have two kids. Sometimes I want to put my game face on and say, "Let's do this!" Other times, I just want to go take a nap. :)

Also, as far as Blood Clots go, I have been taking shots for the passed week, just once a day. It hasn't been too bad. Already have a few gnarly bruises I can show off. I'm just grateful I don't have to do them twice a day like last pregnancy! To read about my experience with blood clots last pregnancy you can read here.

Thanks to everyone for all the sweets comments and for all the love and support. I'll keep ignoring those that have called me insane and down-right crazy.... You're free to have an opinion but also free to keep it to yourself. Does that even make sense? Ha.