The Lund's

The Lund's


Ivan's Birth Story

At 36 weeks, I went in for my first check to see how far dilated I was. I was a 'tight one.' Wooohoo...😕 I had also been having a pain in my leg for about a week at this point, so I was concerned about a blood clot. It's frustrating that that is exactly where my mind goes whenever I have any pain in any part of my body. So, I told my Dr. about it and she immediately sent me to go get a ultrasound. Luckily, they fit me in between appointments so I got in right away. It was an older gentleman that checked my leg and he found no clots. Yay! But, honestly I didn't believe him. The part where he was pushing on my leg to check my vein, REALLY hurt. I walked out of his office thinking, "He doesn't even know what he's doing. He's too old to be working here. It has to be a blood clot!" I called Alek and he calmed me down and somehow talked me into trusting the doctors and that they do actually know what they are doing. My Dr. explained that it could just be the way the baby is sitting and he could be laying on a nerve. 😒 Which is probably what it was because it continued to hurt until he was born!

37- 38 weeks. No exciting changes happened. I stayed at 1cm. Part of me was disappointed because I was so over being pregnant and just wanted to be done. This was by far my most uncomfortable pregnancy. I have always had pretty bad rib pain in prior pregnancies but this was a whole new level!! I was in constant pain. No position (laying, sitting, standing) would relieve the awful stabbing pain I had. I was so ready to be done! The other part of me knew thought that if I waited until 39 weeks, I would be able to be induced and would be able to schedule my blood thinner shot, so that I could get my epidural. It was a lot less of  a risk to do it that way. I just needed to be patient and make it to 39 weeks. 

These last few weeks were mentally exhausting. I was worried about blood clots, my water randomly breaking the way it did with Briggs, if I was having contractions, and why I wasn't having contractions, and basically worrying about all the others things that could go wrong. My anxiety levels were sky rocketing. I basically had Al give me a priesthood blessing once a week. It was the only thing that could bring me comfort and realign my thoughts. Once I got back on track and realized that everything was in the Lord's hands, I would be okay... for a few days at least.😆

Finally 39 weeks came! I was supposed to call in on Tuesday May 29th at 5:00am to see when they could fit me in to get induced. I was terrified they were going to be so busy and make me wait another day. 🙈 Luckily, when I called, they wanted me at the hospital at 6:15am. WOOOHOOO!  Syd had come up the night prior to paint my toe nails, and I talked her into sleeping over. So, she stayed with the boys. That morning, we packed everything into the car and Alek gave me another priesthood blessing. Boy, am I grateful for him and the priesthood. 💓

We stopped at Einstein Bagels and I forced a bagel down me as fast as possible. We got to the hospital and they had me checked in, dressed (or undressed?), and hooked up to the IV all by 7am. They checked me at 7:15am and I had made it to a 'tight two'😂 Now the waiting began, or so I thought. I thought it was going to take awhile to get anywhere because with other pregnancies I was dilated a lot father at this point. And obviously my body was in no hurry to progress at all. Al was watching his White Collar show and I was watching the Bachelorette. We were both pretty calm and relaxed. 

At 8:30 Dr. Craig came in before her 9:00 appointments to check on me and decided to break my water. I was still only at a 2!! I didn't even think it was possible to break my water at only 2cm dilated so I was pretty shocked and was panicing for a quick second. I knew I wanted the epidural ASAP if she was going to break my water. I'm a total chicken when it comes to labor pain.... 

Boy, did I impress everyone with the amount of water that came out. 😂 I decided I wanted to pee one last time before I got the epidural and asked the nurse how I should walk to the bathroom with so much liquid coming out. She casually said to keep a towel between my legs, thinking it was just a trickle of water. Hahaha. I stood up and basically created a river trail from the bed to the toilet. My bottom half was drenched. The nurse was like, 'Whoa! That is a lot of liquid!" Alek had to keep getting new towels because I was soaking through them within seconds. I made a joke that I had probably already lost 10 lbs just to fluid loss and the nurse agreed.

At 9:00am the anesthesiologist came in for the epidural. He was a pretty cool guy and for that I was grateful for! I had taken my shot the prior morning at 7:30am and it had been well over the 24 hour mark. He said, "you are way over your time for any risk." So that wasn't even a big deal. Whew!  He had me sit on the edge of the bed and every time I had a contraction, fluid was still gushing out of me and dripping down my legs leaving a puddle on the floor. Everyone thought it was quite comical. Except, I guess I made the epidural guy a little nervous as he was putting in the needle, because he saw all the liquid leaking through and thought for a quick second that he had done something wrong and that it was spinal fluid leaking out. 🙈 I got after him jokingly that he shouldn't be talking like that. Cuz who wants to hear that that is a concern while you are getting the epidural?!  

At 10:00am they checked me and I had made it to a 4cm!!! Finally, I was getting somewhere! Around then is when my mom showed up. At this point things were going great! Except for the fact that one leg was completely numb and useless, where as the other leg, I could still move just fine. They had me try a few different positions to try and get the other one a bit more numb.

At 11:00 they checked me and I was at a 6cm! And just like the past labor experiences i've had, once I get to a 6, things progress very quickly.  My photographer wasn't there yet and I started stressing a little bit and was worried she wasn't going to make it. Finally, she walked in at 11:30. Sure enough, right after that I felt the urge to poop, which I have learned with the epidural means its go time! I told the nurse and she checked me and I was 9+!! She had me turn on my left side to try and get the last little bit of lining to go away, while she called everyone and started to get things all set up! At this point I was feeling everything in my crotch area just like prior labors and so I pushed the button for another dose of the epidural and it worked like a charm.👌

Earlier, Alek, my mom, and I were making bets on what time the baby would be born. We were all thinking around 1 or 2pm. At noon everything was ready, my legs were up in the stirrups, Dr. Craig showed up, and it was time to push. Through the pushing everyone was so encouraging and for some reason I was mentally prepared to push for awhile and literally was giving it my all. I didn't understand at first why everyone was so excited and cheering me on so enthusiastically. But, it turns out after the first push you could already see his head and the Dr. said, "ooooh look at the dark hair!" I was like no way! I turned to Alek and said, "can you really see his hair already?" With the 2nd push, his head was out! We waited for a 2nd contraction and pushed again. I got a little carried away with the next push and Dr Craig told me to slow it down. Which is when, I'm guessing, I got my 1st degree tear. I eased up a bit so she could get his shoulders through and with the 4th and final push he was out. It was INSANELY fast. I couldn't even believe it. Like, how did that already happen???

I could tell as soon as they laid him on my chest and started to wipe him down that he was a big baby. Alek, my mom, and I had also made bets on just how big he was going to be. Both of them thought there was no way he was going to be over 8 lbs. Especially being a week early. They both were thinking low 7's. I knew with how uncomfortable I was that he was big and my guess was 8 lbs 3 oz.  They weighed him and the nurse said, "8 lbs 5 oz." I literally did a huge fist pump in the air and said, "heck yeah!" I was pretty proud. 

Ivan Royal Lund
May 29, 2018 12:13pm
8 lbs. 5 oz.
20 inches long.

While the nurse was checking him, she pointed out a birth mark on his right foot on two of his little toes. He also, always has his right leg sticking straight out while his left foot is all cuddled in. So, its a joke that his dang right leg was what was jabbing my ribs the whole pregnancy and that the birth mark is from his toes being stuck in my ribs. 😂 

He cried after being born a lot more than the other two did. Like non stop while they were wiping him off, weighing him, checking all his vitals. Everyone who was waiting in the hall could hear him crying and knew exactly when he was born. It was such a cute cry, I couldn't help but laugh. But since then, he has only cried when he's hungry. He didn't even cry when he got circumcised! He seriously is the calmest baby!

The hospital stay was great. We had a lot of visitors the first day. It was a bit overwhelming but great to see all the love for baby Ivan. The two older boys came in almost right after he was born. I'm usually not a crier but when Alek was showing them their baby brother, I definitely got teary eyed. Looking at all four of my boys! Wow, I felt so blessed watching them.💙 

I dunno why, but there is something about the hospital stay that I absolutely love. It's confusing because there's so much bad to it as well.... the nurses checking your wahoo every hour, spritzing yourself off when you pee, peeing in front of people, nurses massaging your uterus.... you get the point. But, besides all that, the hospital stay is one of my favorite memories with all my boys. I think it's because, for one, I'm waited on every second. 😂 That's always nice. But, there's not the every day life distractions. Just Alek and I enjoying the new baby. It's an amazing time to just slow life down, enjoy the moment and get some perfect newborn snuggles.😍 Don't get me wrong. It is nice to come home and sleep in my own bed too!

Ivan has been the sweetest boy. 💙 Aww. Newborns are the best. I'm trying to soak it all in because time is so evil. In the hospital he didnt' have an appetite and the nurses were stressing me out trying to get me to feed him every 2-4 hours. He usually would go like 5-6 hours and I felt like an awful mom.🙈 But, seriously, since we got home, he has done nothing but eat I swear. Every two hours on the dot, even at night. I'm exhausted!!! I've been praying for a 4 hour stretch but, I have yet to get one.😔 So far, He has been my best baby to breastfeed. Latching on perfectly.It's been so wonderful this time around which is strange cuz I always dread breastfeeding. At this point we are trying to stick with breastfeeding and pumping while feeding with a bottle. Hopefully we can last as long as possible doing both! Fingers crossed!



Briggs - 15 Months

A little update on my Briggs-y Boy
  • He finally started walking about a month ago. It's the CUTEST little walk ever. I could watch him walk all. day. long.
  • This is one of my favorite stages with Briggs. He is learning so much every day.
  • He is starting to talk! Jenson better watch out because Briggs is right behind him with words! He says
    • Mom
    • Dad
    • Hi Dad
    • All gone
    • Kitty
    • Deer
    • Book
  • He fakes sleep and snores and likes to mimic anyone who sneezes.
  • He throws fits like his brother and  will just scream at you when he doesn't his way. It's crazy how much he picks up from Jenson!
  • He's obsessed with outside and wants to be outside every second of every day.
  • He is a great napper! He takes two naps a day lasting at least two hours each. And he goes right to sleep when I lay him down. He's an angel baby when it comes to naps.💓
  • He is kind of hit and miss with sleeping at night. He wakes up REALLY early, like 3-4am, and poops and then talks to himself for awhile before going back to sleep. I really wish we could change his pooping schedule...😠 He is also a SUPER light sleeper. He still sleeps in our bedroom and oh goodness are Alek and I ready to kick him out as soon as we move!!! Seriously, he will wake up with us just tip toeing around the bedroom as we get ready for bed. And then it takes FOREVER for him to go back to sleep. He's an awful roommate. 😉
  • He's got 8 teeth and working on his first set of Molars. Some days he is fine and then others he is completely miserable! 
  • Briggs has a weird obsession with textures. He loves feeling soft/new textures with his hands and then lays his cheek onto it. 
  • He eats SOOO much. Like..... 3 times the amount of food that Jenson eats. Unlike Jenson, Briggs doesn't seem to picky and eats most everything. So, that's good! But, I seriously I can't keep that kid full! I swear he is constantly grabbing things in the pantry and bring them to me. 
  • His favorite foods are bananas, blueberries, and smoothies!  
  • He has the BEST deep, low belly laugh. It is the best sound ever!


Jenson- 2 1/2

Okay I've been wanting to do a little post on my sweet little Jenson for awhile now. He is saying and doing the funniest things and I never want to forget them!
  • He's is talking more and more but is still behind for his age. He definitely has his own language that only close family can understand and he acts out a lot of things he is trying to say. It's like a 24/7 game of charades. Some of my favorite things he says right now are:
    • "Me boom down."- he fell down.
    • "Papa air"- Grandpa Lar
    • He recently just started calling me "Mama" Which I LOVE!!! He says it in his sweet little soft voice. Definitely a good change from the "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!" That I was use to hearing all day long....
    • He calls Alek, "Daddy"
    • He is famous for the way he says 'All Aboard!'
    • Alek asked him to say 'Piggy Back' and he said, "Oink oink, back." But, actually snorting like a pig.... I can't really spell that out.😉
    • The way he says 'Back' or any thing ending with a 'K' sound, he says it with a very impressive German accent. It's hilarious! 
    • He knows most of his animals but only calls them by the sound they make. 
    • The way he says 'Wuv you Mama' completely melts me in to a giant puddle. 💓
  • He is still obsessed with Santa, Reindeer, and the Polar Express. He knows that movie by heart and asks to listen to the "Choo Choo" song and "deer" song every time we are in the car. I also have to sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer to him every time before he goes to sleep. 
  • He loves playing trains and always wants us to follow him around the house in a train formation. Also, he likes to set the chairs up in a line and have everyone take a seat so we can 'go see Santa.'
  • He got his first hair cut about a month ago. 
  • Jenson is the most picky eater EVER!  He eats oatmeal, apple sauce, goldfish, milk, and cheese.... That's about it. 😅 It's seriously a fight every single night to get him to eat dinner. 
  • He asks to go see 'Daddy' and the 'Big Vroom' every single day. He loves his dad and being with him! 
  • I love him sooo much. He is the one that made me a Mom and for that I will forever be thankful.


House update

It's been awhile since I've done an update on our house! A lot has happened since my last post. For one... it actually looks like a house now! 😂 It's all framed and enclosed. We got that done just in time for the snow. And I mean literally just in time.

 Pouring the garage floor

Conference weekend (October) laying all the floor trusses and putting our main floor on!

 Starting the main floor walls

Date night!❤

Front porch 

Back porch/walk out basement 

 Garage Trusses✅

Side view 

 Back view with most of the Trussses finished.

 Starting our deck

 Deck finished✅

Underneath the deck (walk out basement)

Front view.
This is pretty much what it still looks like.. except no snow on the roof and it now has shingles! Very disappointed in Al's choice of his trailer placement because it makes it impossible to get a decent pick of the house. 😉😄

 The back view

By looking at the pictures you probably noticed that the house is built out of steel instead of  traditional wood studs and it's a long story as to why. Alek is the one to ask for all the details but, I can definitely give you the short version. We compared prices and found steel to be cheaper. It is also 10x more sturdy, everything is perfectly straight, and it's fire resistant. Again, Alek is the one that knows way more about this. The house itself has a main floor and a basement. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, and an open floor plan. I was very picky about the floor plan and changed my mind almost daily. But, now that it is framed, I am very happy with the way things have turned out. In my opinion, it is completely perfect. I tell Alek probably 80 times a day how much I love our house. I'm a little bit obsessed.💓

January was a rough month. Especially for me! Our house was stuck at a standstill forever and I felt like nothing was progressing. It was so depressing!! We needed to pass our 4 -way (framing, electrical, plumbing, and hvac) inspection by the County. They were not used to dealing with steel framed houses. It took a lot of paperwork, phone calls, meetings with engineers, and 3 different inspections with 4 different inspectors counting. every. single, screw in the house. 😖😖 I was getting so frustrated and started to lose hope that the house would ever be finished.

But, FINALLY last Wednesday (2/15/17) they passed us ✅ It was the happiest day!!! We had everything ready to be pushed forward. Now, we are flying! Insulation came the next day and sheet rockers came the day after that. The whole main floor should be completely sheet rocked by Thursday. The exterior siding should be here anytime this week!

Originally, we were hoping to have it done by March but, OBVIOUSLY that isn't going to happen. Now, I'm hoping for the end of April. (Fingers crossed.)

This has been the most stressful project we have done. But, even though is has been stressful, I can't help but be grateful for all the memories we have created. Especially with the boys. Jenson loves to go help dad and asks to go up to help almost daily. I love that both Jenson and Briggs get to grow up seeing our house be built and that they are learning that hard work is important. They have the best role model in their life. Their dad is the hardest worker I know. He's super smart and talented at everything he does. I am forever grateful for him for building our family a home. It's definitely going to be weird when it's all done.... what are we going to do with all of our free time? 😁

I am getting more and more excited and it gets closer and closer to being finished. We have been so blessed and we are so thankful for all the help we have received.💗

Here are some pretty sweet drone pictures of all the different angels of the house.

 Hopefully, the next time I post an update, the house will be all finished! 😁😁 Wish us luck!


Bitter Sweet

Instead of just focusing on my house and getting in there as fast as possible... this week I've been trying to changed my perspective.I've been coming up with things I am really going to miss about living with my parents. Here's a few things I've come up with:
  • Adult interaction: Al leaves before me and the boys get up and usually doesn't get home until 6-7pm at night. That's a LONG time for me to only be talking to a 1 and 2 1/2 year old. It's been nice to have my dad there in the mornings and Syd and my mom there in the afternoon. Gives me a chance to feel like an adult. ;)
  • The ward. Although I don't know much about the ward we are moving into... I am really going to miss going to the Nibley 3rd ward. I love going to Sunday school with Alek and then Relief Society with my mom. I love that my family entertains my kids during sacrament meeting, and helps try to get Briggs to sleep. Plus, I'm really worried about transitioning Jenson to a brand new nursery.😟Hopefully it will be about the time Briggs will be going into nursery and they can have each other for a little while.
  • I'm going to miss the big grassy yard. I'm afraid we won't have grass for awhile in our yard, so it's going to be a lot harder to go relax outside during the summer.
  • I'm going to  miss wearing Syd's shoes, jewelry, having her do my hair. 😁
  • I'm definitely going to miss not having to worry about dinner every single night. Haha
  • I'm going to miss having another female in the house to make sure my outfit looks good. 😉
  • Having other people there to help play and entertain my boys.
  • Always having a babysitter when Alek and I decide we want to get out of the house last minute.
  • Having the grocery store, Ridley's, 2 seconds from our house for all those last minute needed items.
  • Also, having a few different parks all within 5 minutes from us.
  • The cool canyon breeze in the summer.
  • The river in the backyard.
Gahhh.. There's just a few reasons... :) My family seriously helps us out so much! We are so grateful for their patience and for everything they do for us. It's definitely going to be weird when we move out on our own. But, I'm sure they are looking forward to not tripping on toys all the time, the house being a little more quiet, and being able to sleep in on Saturday morning. Heck, maybe I'll just stay?! 😉


Will you be mine?

Valentines Day.... This is going to be mine and Al's 8th Valentines since our dating days. Crazy right? I've been thinking a lot about our first Valentines day and wanted to share it. I have already written a post about it a couple years ago so, you can just click the link here to read it. Even though I wasn't totally crushing on him at this point, it's fun to think about that Sweet hearts dance. It was one of the funnest dances I ever went too because I was completely myself. I wasn't worried about what Alek was thinking and was very comfortable with him. It allowed Alek and I to become best friends and created a perfect foundation for our eternal relationship. I love thinking about our high school dating days and all the memories we had. I wish we could go back and re-live them. 💗 Happy Valentines Day!



So.... I currently have a saved draft that is an update on our house. I've been needing to do an update for awhile now since the last one I did was in the summer. But.... with so much going on (or not going on) on our house... I'm just not in the mood to finish that post quite yet. When I get frustrated or depressed because it seems like my house is taking FOREVER, I always go to my pinterest board and look at all the pictures of what my house is going to be like. It gives me a little boost of energy to keep on keepin' on. Because, someday all this hard work will be worth it. So.... I figured I would just do a blog post about it and post all my pinterest pictures here so, me and you can dream about my house together. :)

I really am not talented when it comes to interior design. Honestly I just go off of pictures and copy things that I love. Hopefully my house will be similar to a lot of these following images. *** All pictures came from my Pinterest board- House on a hill.

  For the outside of our home we are wanting to do a dark greyish hardie board, white trim, and dark. brown door and beams for accents. Someday, we would love to add rock too.

 In our entry way, there is the stair case that leads down stairs and I would LOVE to do something like this. I love the vertical gas pipe look. 

 Family room: dark hardwood floors, light grey walls, and a fire place that looks exactly like this. 😁 I think its beautiful!! I have yet to find brick tile because I am being very picky.... I really do want it to look just like this. Yes, the cabinets will be on the sides too.

 I am most excited about my kitchen! Literally, I might just cry the day my cabinets are installed. Oh, what a happy day that will be. I'm sticking with the traditional white cabinets and white/greyish counter tops. The island will be dk. brown. We have black stainless steel appliances to give it a nice pop. I'm super excited to see how it turns out!

I am even getting a stainless steel farm house sink too! Found an awesome deal on amazon! sooooo excited!

I would LOVE a pantry door very similar to this.

 I have a little bump out in the kitchen with a huge window that over looks the whole valley. We plan on doing something like these pictures for our dining area.

Next to our kitchen is an office area. I literally showed our cabinet guy this picture, so hopefully it will look very similar to this. 😍

 I also showed both of these pictures (↕) to our cabinet guy. One thing I made sure of, when I was deciding on a floor plan, was to make sure we had a ton of storage space. These lockers in my mudroom will be perrrrfect! Plus, how cute is that bench???
Since barn wood doors are sooo expensive, this is something that we won't be able to get right away. But, it is apart of the house plan going from our master bedroom into our bath. I can't wait until we can one day afford it and install it in!
Since I have been deciding a lot of thing with the house, Alek was very determined to design the Master shower himself. Luckily, I have loved every decision he has made. The greatest thing is that it is a nice walk-in shower, which means no nasty glass door that I have to clean! :)

At first, I was totally against having a kitchen in my basement.. because it seemed sooo impractical and I didn't want to have to clean two kitchens!!! But, then I decided to do something very small like this picture. So, we added a place in the plan to have a few cabinets, sink and a mini fridge for Alek to store all his drinks in. That way we can still use it when we are having a movie night but it's not huge so cleaning it won't be so bad. 😀

I picked out tile very similar to this for the Laundry room. Isn't it dreamy? 😍😍 With dark grey cabinets to match. Maybe, it will help make doing laundry a little more fun. 😉

Well... I think that's about it for now. How's that for a little sneak peak of my future house?😆 Someday it will be done right? But, for now I'll just keep scrolling through these pictures, dreaming.