Pouring the garage floor
Conference weekend (October) laying all the floor trusses and putting our main floor on!
Starting the main floor walls
Date night!❤
Front porch
Back porch/walk out basement
Garage Trusses✅

Back view with most of the Trussses finished.
Deck finished✅
Underneath the deck (walk out basement)
This is pretty much what it still looks like.. except no snow on the roof and it now has shingles! Very disappointed in Al's choice of his trailer placement because it makes it impossible to get a decent pick of the house. 😉😄
The back view
By looking at the pictures you probably noticed that the house is built out of steel instead of traditional wood studs and it's a long story as to why. Alek is the one to ask for all the details but, I can definitely give you the short version. We compared prices and found steel to be cheaper. It is also 10x more sturdy, everything is perfectly straight, and it's fire resistant. Again, Alek is the one that knows way more about this. The house itself has a main floor and a basement. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, and an open floor plan. I was very picky about the floor plan and changed my mind almost daily. But, now that it is framed, I am very happy with the way things have turned out. In my opinion, it is completely perfect. I tell Alek probably 80 times a day how much I love our house. I'm a little bit obsessed.💓
January was a rough month. Especially for me! Our house was stuck at a standstill forever and I felt like nothing was progressing. It was so depressing!! We needed to pass our 4 -way (framing, electrical, plumbing, and hvac) inspection by the County. They were not used to dealing with steel framed houses. It took a lot of paperwork, phone calls, meetings with engineers, and 3 different inspections with 4 different inspectors counting. every. single, screw in the house. 😖😖 I was getting so frustrated and started to lose hope that the house would ever be finished.
But, FINALLY last Wednesday (2/15/17) they passed us ✅ It was the happiest day!!! We had everything ready to be pushed forward. Now, we are flying! Insulation came the next day and sheet rockers came the day after that. The whole main floor should be completely sheet rocked by Thursday. The exterior siding should be here anytime this week!
Originally, we were hoping to have it done by March but, OBVIOUSLY that isn't going to happen. Now, I'm hoping for the end of April. (Fingers crossed.)
This has been the most stressful project we have done. But, even though is has been stressful, I can't help but be grateful for all the memories we have created. Especially with the boys. Jenson loves to go help dad and asks to go up to help almost daily. I love that both Jenson and Briggs get to grow up seeing our house be built and that they are learning that hard work is important. They have the best role model in their life. Their dad is the hardest worker I know. He's super smart and talented at everything he does. I am forever grateful for him for building our family a home. It's definitely going to be weird when it's all done.... what are we going to do with all of our free time? 😁
I am getting more and more excited and it gets closer and closer to being finished. We have been so blessed and we are so thankful for all the help we have received.💗
Here are some pretty sweet drone pictures of all the different angels of the house.
Hopefully, the next time I post an update, the house will be all finished! 😁😁 Wish us luck!
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