The Lund's

The Lund's


Pregnancy update. 32 weeks!

30 Weeks

32 Weeks

Only 8 weeks to go!! That's if I go full term... We're hoping for 6 weeks. Man! I can't tell you how big of a controversy that is. I didn't even realize!! Almost EVERYONE I tell that I want Baby J to come early, FREAK OUT and say "OH no! That is WAY TOO EARLY. Keep him in there as long as you can! 


Of course I want him to be healthy... I'm not wishing him to come early JUST for my benefit. Of course I'm thinking about him too!!! What kind of mom do you guys think I am?? ;) 

All of my mom's kids came AT LEAST two weeks early. Same with my mother-in-law. In fact, Al was almost a month early! I think we all turned out fine.... jusss sayin.

So hate me all you want and call me a bad mother, but yes we have a fingers crossed for the end of June. :)

End rant.

Movement: Mostly I feel Baby J in the mornings and late at nights. I love feeling him move. As he gets bigger, I can definitely feel the pokes getting stronger. Only a few have been painful. I love it though!! My last appointment, he was completely heads down. Hopefully he stays that way til' he decides to come!

Weight:This last month I've only gained 2 pounds. TRUST ME. I was shocked too! It's because I gained all my weight in my first half of pregnancy, I swear! Total, I'm up 25 pounds. I'll probably still gain AT LEAST another 5-10 pounds. Gotta get this baby boy all plump so I can kiss his chubby cheeks!!

Belly: Well, about a week ago, my belly button decided to officially poke out. It REALLY grosses me out... I have a hard time touching it. (shivers!!) My mother told me she use to always put a band aid on hers to cover hers up. I tried that.... and you could still see it poking through my shirt!! Plus, when I pulled off the band aid I pretty much waxed all those  cute little belly hairs that grow during pregnancy right off. OUCH!  Alek laughed at me. Let's just say... I'm screwing the band aid and just letting that belly button pop out as much as it wants. 

He's still really high in my ribs. Ahh that's the ONLY thing that is making me uncomfortable. My ribs are constantly aching. I try and gently push the little guy down but every time without fail he kicks my hand away. Stubborn little dude! Everyone says I should be so thankful he still hasn't dropped because once that happens the pain.. down there... gets pretty uncomfortable. But seriously, I'm to the point where I'm tired of my ribs hurting and would take pain anywhere else. I'm sure I'll regret that as soon as he does drop. 

Name: Well... we are definitely closer to deciding! I'm still calling him Baby J! Crossing fingers...

Cravings: This last month I have had the HARDEST time finding food that sounded good. I have had no appetite at all lately. It's soo frustrating! Nothing sounds good. I wish I could go back to craving all those different things. It's so hard to make dinner these days because seriously I don't want to eat anything. TRUST ME. I still eat. In fact I'm pretty sure I don't ever stop eating. I just have to force food down me. 

Blood clot: Blood clot feels great.. In fact, I'm sure it's gone. My leg feels completely normal, except when It's getting poked with shots! ha.. Still doing two shots a day. Mainly just to keep my blood thin and to prevent another clot from forming. I did find out that I will probably have to stay on the shots after Baby J is born for a few months. The original plan was to be able to stop the shots and switch to the daily pill but I guess since I'm planning on breast feeding they still won't allow me to take blood thinners orally. AND once you get a blood clot they usually make you stay on blood thinners for 6 months. sigh.... so that means 2 months of shots down, possibly 4 more months to go. I'll just say, I'm ecstatic about it. (major sarcasm)

On a more happy note. I got maternity pics taken yesterday!!! I cannot wait to see how they turned out. I was so impressed with Kylee Ann Photography! I'll post a few as soon as I get them back :)

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