This has probably been my favorite stage Jenson has gone through so far. He is learning so many things! I love watching him figure stuff out. I could just sit and watch him all day long and never get bored!!
He knows how to wave now and oh my goodness.. It melts my heart ever. single. time. It's the cutest little baby wave I've ever seen. He gets his whole arm into it. His favorite person to wave to is of course, Rorie. Every time Rorie walks into the room he waves hi to her. He truly loves his puppy.

Jenson has also gotten really good at pulling faces. My favorite is when he scrunches up his nose and squints his eyes and smiles. haha it cracks me up. Silly kid!
We have finally transitioned out of the swaddle. Whew.... I thought we would never get to this point. I ordered a Zipadeezip. At first I was a little skeptical because they are kind of goofy looking and I had already spent money on other swaddle blankets that had only failed. But holy moly... It works like a charm! He can now move freely around in his sleep, and goes to sleep so quickly. Best purchase so far!
No matter where I place him in his crib, he always wiggles his way so he ends up sleeping completely sideways with his feet sticking out of the bars. Also he sleeps likes his momma, on his side/belly and has to have a blanket right next to his face. :)
Because of the nice weather Jenson has experienced so many new things. He loves being outside! He loves walks, watching cars, playing with rocks, chewing on sticks (a trick he learned from Rorie), loves the swings, and we've even jumped on the tramp. I have a feeling that he is going to be like his dad and not be afraid of anything. He already wants to ride a mountain bike just like his daddy does. Boy, am I going to have my hands full this summer.
He's not crawling yet, but I can tell it's going to happen soon. Still don't know that I'm ready for my baby to crawl :( There's no way he is old enough yet!
He still has no teeth. I'm loving that I get his gummy smile as long as I have.
We had our first trip to the insta care a few weeks ago. Jenson had a fever of 102.5. Turns out he had a double ear infection. Poor kid :( I enjoyed all the snuggles I got though!
He is OBSESSED with food. He thinks when we are eating, he also needs to eat, even if we just barely finished feeding him his own food. We always second guess our decision when we want to go out to eat. Taking him to restaurants has turned into a lot of work. We went to firehouse last week and ended up leaving right after we got our food because Jenson was throwing the biggest fit over the fact we weren't feeding him pizza. :( I had even brought him his own sweet potatoes (his favorite) to try and distract/trick him. But, he ain't a stupid kid and knew I wasn't feeding him the deliciousness that we were eating. Silly boy.
He plays with my hair when He eats his bottle, I absolutely love it. That's the only time I can get him to cuddle with me.
He is still obsessed when cords and tags. Also the vacuum, dishwasher, pantry, fridge, pulling the garbage can over, the Tupperware drawer, and chewing on Rorie toys. I don't know why I even buy him his own toys... they don't get used!

He weighs 20+ lbs. That was a few weeks ago at insta care
He is now wearing 12 month clothing. I cant keep up with how fast he is growing! I'm pretty sure next week he'll be wearing 4T!!!
There's been a lot of people commenting on the few little hairs he has on top of his head and what color they are. I've always thought his hair would be light brown like his mom and dad's but, when you take him outside in the sun, you can definitely see some red!! I might just have a little ginger babe!! :) Alek was a total red-head when he was a little kid. So stinkin' cute!!
Boy oh boy. Can you tell I love my Jenson or what? Only a slight obsession. I'm such a lucky momma!!!