HOLY MOLY! How can my sweet boy be 10 months old already??
Jenson can army crawl.
He wants to walk 24/7 by holding onto your fingers. He'll scoot over to you then grab your fingers, pull himself up, and just start running.
He says "Dadda" and "Hi" all day long.
He sleeps 7pm-6am most nights.
He takes 2-3 naps a day, usually lasting hour and a half.
He is going through this scared phase. It's kinda hilarious. He is scared of the vacuum, the hair dryer, his little giraffe that rattles????, and pretty much anything that makes a loud noise. His body tenses up, he starts shaking and will reach for whoever is closest to him and hide behind them. Silly boy.
He still has no teeth.
He has started letting his tongue hang out. It is just hanging out 24/7
He has started whining. ugh..... haha it's like this soft, high pitch, puppy dog whine.
He is picking up food now and feeding himself. I've notice he does this with his left hand. He is totally going to be left handed!!! Alek is slightly upset about it. He says he doesn't want to have to buy left-handed golf clubs. Hahaha! oh boy...
He is really good at throwing tantrums! His stubbornness is definitely shining through more and more each day.
He throws and drops things constantly. Yes, he thinks it's a funny game.
I swear, he constantly wants to eat! Mostly big people food.