The Lund's

The Lund's


A day in the life of Me

Recently, I have found life to be quite busy and hectic. Having two kids has been a completely different ballgame than what I was use too. I started getting down and sad because there just wasn't ANY time to do things that I use to enjoy doing, ie: Blogging, crafting, eating ;) and always being exhausted!. I have come to realize that even though my day is crazy, I will someday look back and miss these days and the little things that make up our day. So, for the purpose of always remembering what an average day with two under two consists of, I decided to write up a little timeline.

Starting at midnight, When technically its a new day :)

12:00am: Sleeping- The happiest part of my day. ;) haha! jk
2:00am: Briggs wakes up to eat.
2:30am: Change Briggs' bum and back to sleep we go.
5:00am: Briggs wakes to eat.
6:00am: Al gets up and leaves for work.
7:00am: Usually when Jenson wakes up. If he wakes up any earlier I bring him into my bed and turn on Netflix for him to watch, while I try to get in a few more minutes of sleep.
7:30am: Briggs usually needs to eat again, which is when the morning gets hectic because Jenson is usually getting hungry as well. After both boys have had breakfast, I change their bums. I'd like to say it's almost like having twins. But, I sure people with twins would disagree!
8:30am: Usually everyone has been feed and changed by this point and its time to get stuff done! We feed the dogs, do the dishes, try to clean up a few things, play with trains, dance, this morning we made banana bread.....mmmm!
10:00am Jenson is ready for a nap already, (busy morning), Take him upstairs, with his bottle and blankie and lay him down.
10:30am Feed Briggs and change his bum.
11:00am Try and get stuff done while boys are sleeping! Make bed, clean room, send emails for dance, pay bills, read scriptures, laundry....
12:00pm Jenson is awake! :) Run upstairs, grab him, and change him into clothes. Yes, he usually stays in his jammies til noon. haha
12:30pm Lunch time!
1:00-3:00pm We play some more, change diapers, go outside, play trains again, feed Briggs, eat some goldfish, get ready for gym and dance, (this is usually the first time I get dressed, do my hair, and put myself somewhat together...
3:30pm-Dad is usually home!! Happy Jenson!
4:00pm- I leave to go workout and to teach dance.
7:00pm Dad puts Jenson in the tub and gets him ready for bed.
7:30pm-Jenson is usually asleep, Dad is feeding Briggs and I'm just getting home.
8:00pm- Eat some dinner.
8:30pm- Bath Briggs, shower myself, and get ready for bed.
9:00pm- Sit and talk with Al, relax, work on our house plan, make plans for the following day
10:00pm- Feed Briggs and off to bed we go!!! zzzz

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