My baby is a month old.
I have to just let that sit in for a minute.
He is already twice the size of his little newborn self I swear.
I cried when He turned a week old. I just sat there and held him in my arms and cried.
I cried when I went to put that cute little monster outfit on him, that he wore home from the hospital, and it didn't fit.
and I'm crying now as I write this post.
He's perfect though. Every little wrinkle of chub all the way down to his tiny little feet.
I love that I get to stay home and be with him everyday. I am trying not to miss a single moment. I blink and I swear he has changed in someway.
He focuses on my face now and will turn his head when he hears his daddy talking nearby.
His smile is the cutest little thing and I have heard him giggle twice in his sleep now. It about broke my heart! I feel like this is super cheesy but it's soooo true!
He is a CHAMP at tummy time and can hold his head up sooo good! He is one strong lil man. I can't wait until I can get him to smile for reals and giggle. I'm sure his dad will do it best though, which I'm okay with as long as I get to watch.
My favorite thing to do is talk to him about heaven. I ask about his brothers and sisters and his great grandpa. And last night when Al and I were reading our scriptures, I asked Jenson if he had met Moroni. He keeps all these things secret of course. But, it entertains my mind.
My dear grandpa showed me this poem. It is on my mind constantly now. I'm always wondering what Jenson is thinking and what he would tell me if he could talk.
-Thanks Grandpa! Love you.
Jenson weighs just over 9 lbs right now and is getting chunkier every day. He is eating really good. He can breast feed really good, eat from a bottle (I mostly pump) and suck on his binky. People say all 3 aren't possible when they are this young and they get confused. But we did it! Makes life a lot easier. At first he wasn't doing so hot at sleeping and got up every 45 minutes-1 1/2 hours during the night. This past week though, he has only gotten up twice during the night! Any tips to getting him to sleep through the night would be appreciated. ;)
He is a super noisy eater. I think it's HILARIOUS. He is always growling and/or humming to himself and he chows down on that delicious milk. It's a bit embarrassing when he decides he's hungry in sacrament meeting. :)
Over all he's been a great baby and only cries when he wants his bottle. Sometimes he fights to go to sleep, even when I can tell he is SO exhausted. I heard he gets this from his dad :) He is super cuddly... which I absolutely LVOE and cherish because I know that it won't last forever.
I, on the other hand have been feeling great! I have my 6 week appointment next week, which I'm looking forward too. I started dancing again right after I had Jenson. At first it was pretty dreadful but now it's gotten better. This morning I went running for the first time. hahahaha... it was a JOKE! I don't even want to talk about it. I felt like I had never run a single day in my life. Some day Ill get to where I was before though, right? It just sucks starting all over!
Now just enjoy a million pictures.
He LOVES to have his hands by his face. I think these two pictures are the COOLEST THING EVER! Even in the womb he was doing it.
"Yes, we rocked him to sleep on the foot stool of my rocking chair."
"Rock on!"
"Leave me alone, I'm sleeping!"
Now how bout some newborn pics??
See, hands by his face.
I love being a mommy more than I ever though possible. He will always be my lil man. He has my whole heart. Can't believe how blessed we are to be trusted with this special little spirit.
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