One of the blogs I follow did a list of 100 things about her. And it wasn't boring things like "my favorite color is Orange" It was random/interesting things and I ended up getting a better understanding of who this girl was. We're all different and have weird quirks about us. It's fun to learn these quirks about each other. So... I decided to stand up to the challenge. Yes, 100 is A LOT! It took me a good couple a weeks to come up with this list. Lots of brainstorming. But anyway... hope you enjoy!
1: I only eat watermelon if there is salt on it. And I'm completely anti-salt on everything else. Meaning, I don't ever ADD salt to food.
2: I have to put lotion on EVERY inch of my body after every shower within minutes, or else I will go insane. Can't stand not having lotion on. And I prefer Baby Lotion. mmmm :)
3: I have very fine leg/arm hair. I shave my legs MAYBE once every 2 months. Crazy right? Bet you would never know though. People ask if I shave my arms... Nope. And a lot of people don't believe me. Cross my heart though.
4: I don't like pie. Not a single kind. Yuck. I skip dessert on Thanksgiving.
5: Not a fan of too many cakes either.
6: Or Ice cream, EXCEPT lemon custard. I'm all about that. And even then... the waffle cone is still the best part.
7: I would much rather have cheesecake, brownies, or any type of candy bar over pies, cakes, and ice cream.
8: I fight myself daily about getting dressed or staying in sweats. Sweats is usually the winner.
9: I've never had a cavity.
10: I collect knee high socks. I think the last time I counted I had over 70 pairs.
11: I hate the feel on anything fuzzy, especially on my feet. Fleece, velvet, fuzzy blankets, and pillow pets are the worst!!! And no way in heck will you get me to sit on my parents micro fiber couch unless there is a NORMAL feeling blanket underneath me.
12: I'm a home body. I much rather just stay at home than go and party with friends....
13: Because of #12^^^ I consider myself antisocial. I still DO like to get out and have fun every once in a while, don't get me wrong! I just am more comfortable with my family inside the walls of my own home.
14: I hate driving on freeways. It gives me super anxiety. Last time I drove on a freeway was probably over 3 years ago when I bought a car in SLC and had to drive it home. And of course if rained hard the whole way. I was freaking out! I always make Al drive, even then, I'm the worst back seat driver because I'm soooo paranoid!
15: I'm not a big movie watcher. In fact I have NO desire to see about 90% of the movies out there. Ugh.. such a waste of time! The hobbit(i think there are a few?) never seen them, transformers... seen the first one once. Lame. Thor, captains america, whatever other super hero movies there are... NOPE. I guess it's mostly just action. They are just SOOO not believable. And all those terrible action scenes where it's just a bunch of bodies, explosions, and car parts flying across the screen and you can't even tell who is dying and who is winning. I'd much rather watch a good animated show, chick flick, and SOMETIMES a good comedy. Ya... call me boring. I hear it from my husband daily. ;) The last two shows I watched were Mulan and Princess Diaries. Now that's some good entertainment!!
16: I'm an Introvert. Big surprise right?
17: I want 5 kids. Why? 4 is not enough and 6 is way too many. And If I could pick. I would have 3 boys and 2 girls. But, I'll be happy with whatever the lord blesses me with :)
18: I over analyze everything. and I mean EVERYTHING.
19: I'm probably the only person on the entire planet that thinks Oreos should have less filling in the center. I like the cookie part more.
20: I color coordinate my clothes and have about 10 different categories that I organize them into. Also, I like to reorganize my closet often. Do you watch FRIENDS? Call me Monica.
21:Speaking of that... I have an addicition to the TV show FRIENDS!
22: I'm an avid nail biter. Then only thing that will get me to stop biting my nails is having it be a month before my wedding and my nail lady threatening me to not bite my nails. I did have beautiful nails on my wedding day though! :)
23: Going off of #22^^^ I have a weird thing on natural beauty. I will never get fake nails, hair extensions, or even dye my hair (that might change when I start going gray). But as of right now, I'm a believer in Natural beauty. Everyone's got it. No need to over do it on the make up... It's too expensive anyways. :) Yes, I wear makeup. But as little as possible. About 80% of the time it's just mascara. As long as I feel beautiful then I'm good. I don't need the world telling me otherwise. I've been debating on getting eyelash extensions for over a year now. and just can't get myself to do it because I will be fake!! Weird right?
24: I hate all kinds of sea food. Mostly it's the fishy smell that gets me. I think Shrimp looks soooo delicious and I've tried it numerous times with it always ending up the same. Gagging.
25: I think my feet are the most perfect feet out there. Hahaha... seriously though. They are the perfect shape and my toes are all the right size. There are some weird looking feet out there and mine are not one of them.
26: I have an unhealthy addiction to the Bachelor/Bachelorette. I won't miss an episode.
27: I'm very shy. I have a hard time starting conversations and I hate small talk. Because of this I come across as stuck up. and I absolutely HATE that. It's something I struggle with every day!! I'm just shy people!
28: I asked Alek what was something unique about me as I was brainstorming for this list... and this is what he said.. I eat my food evenly. Al makes fun of me for this everyday! Let's say I have chicken, potatoes, and veggies on my plate. I will take one bite of each in the same pattern (chicken, potatoes, veggies, chicken, potatoes, veggies, and so on) until my plate is empty. Al on the other hand will eat all his potatoes, then his chicken, and then his veggies. And I think that is just SUPER weird. :)
29: I'm a big worrier. I worry about EVERYTHING. And always imagine the worst possible thing happening.
30: I love making lists upon lists. The only way I will be productive is if I have a "To Do" list in front of me.
31: I work best with routine.
32: I could listen to Angels and Airwaves 24/7 especially on raining days.
33: I love the rain. Not the same as anyone else who says they love the rain. I mean I REALLY love rain. I wish It would rain every single day.
34: One of my biggest regrets is not continuing to take piano lessons.
35: Thanks to my in-laws I am obsessed with Harry Potter.
36: I have a weird obsession with sharpies. All those pretty colors!!!
37: I am one of the few people that actually enjoy and look forward to grocery shopping
38: I like all fruit EXCEPT cherries and pineapples.
39: Usually when I'm relaxing and listening to music, I close my eyes and choreograph/picture myself dancing amazingly to the song. It's my way of still living my dancing dream. In my head, I'm professional.
40: I am not a aggressive, sporty girl. The thought of P.E. in school terrified me. Luckily I didn't have to take it in high school because I was on the drill team. I hate playing any of those sports. I'm usually the one the drops the ball, get's hit in the head, or scores in the wrong goal.
41: I LOVE watching football. Go 49ers!
42: If there was any sport that I wish I was good at it would be tennis.
43: I've considered learning how to golf. Just not right now.... Someday I will be good though, and be able to keep up with my husband.
44: Saturdays are my most favorite day of the week. Because I spend all day with my perfect little family.
45: I married my high school sweetheart. We've been married for two years and having been dating for 6 years!
46: My biggest pet peeve is when people are late.
47: My favorite hymn is How Firm a Foundation
48: I have a hard time looking into the future (ex: having more kids, kids going to school, building my dream home) because of the fact that I believe the end of the world (2nd coming) to be happening soon. Like REALLY soon. It makes me so excited! Go get your food storage!
49: I LOVE playing card games and any board game.
50: One of the biggest complement you could give me is that I'm a crafty person. I like to pretend that I am. And could spend all day crafting.
51: I have a love/hate relationship with running.
52: If there was no such thing as spiders, I would spend a couple hours outside doing yard work every day.Because I would love to have a weedless/perfect landscaped yard with bushes and flowers all over. Someday when I'm rich I will hire it done.
53: Another pet peeve is when people (mostly girls) do everything they possible can to follow today's stupid trends. They compete with each other at some stupid game that never ends. Just be yourself and you'll win every single time.
54: I consider myself living my dream life right now. Married to my best friend, and being a stay at home mom, cooking cleaning, and taking care of baby Jenson. Nothing could ever beat this!
55: I love learning anatomy and how the human body works. It's so amazing!
56:I'm one of the few people that would re-live high school again in a heart beat. I had SO much fun! I would also not worry what people thought of me and much as I did back then.
57:I rarely cry in movies or books. The last book I cried in was Marley and Me.
58: I still have and sleep with my "blanky." It's one that my 5th grade class made together and I ended up winning it from a drawing! So, ya its pretty old and nasty but I gotta sleep with it!
59:I HAVE to sleep on my belly.
60: Call me old school/grandma but I LOVE doing counted cross stitch.
61: I hate taking naps because I feel like it's such a waste of the day. Too many other things I could be doing.
62: I don't wear high heels. I only own 3 pair and only wear them on special occasions. Just not really my style. But I enjoy watching ladies walk in them that don't know how to...! It's hilarious.
63: About 80% of the time I listen to music, I listen to country.
64: I don't drink pop. Every once in awhile I'll drink a Fresca or take a sip of my husbands cherry coke. But I just find it sooooo unhealthy. I went my whole high school days without drinking ANY pop. Heck ya!
65: I HATE iphones. Android all the way.
66:Uh.. hate to offend anyone here. But it's just my opinion. I find cheerleading annoying. Ugh... But I've already told myself, no make how much it kills me, when I have a daughter and she wants to cheer I will let her with a big (painful) smile on my face.
67:I only wash my hair once about every 5 days. gross right? not really...
68:My worst subject ever is History. I HATE it. Talk about BORING!
69: I'm a very stubborn person.
70: I am a very impatient person.
71: I like to do Yoga but I am not good at it at all...
72: I'm terrified of thunder and lightening. You can thank a Lake Powell lightening storm for that. It's amazing that I'm still alive ;)
73: Sometimes I miss going to school... because I like to learn new things.
74: That being said ^^^ I HATE the college atmosphere. It's like high school for adults. All the immature/giggly people. Blah....
75:I'm not much of a breakfast person.. I eat cereal most days. All the other breakfast foods are just meh....
76:I LOVE potatoes. mmmm! Cooked any way. Mostly mashed potatoes though.
77:I have an obsession with leather jackets.
78: I also have an obsession with scarfs. I will wear them everyday, all year round. There's NO such thing as scarf season.
79: I don't like when people correct my grammar or writing. Since when can people tell me how I should write/talk?? I think It's a big part of personality. and when all those grammar rules come in to play... it pretty much wipes personality right out and we all start sounding the same. So boring!
80: This is a big one... believe or not.. I am already baby hungry. ahhh!! I'm crazy right?? I told this to Alek and I'm pretty sure he is still in shock. Trust me, I'm shocked myself!! I already want another baby??? YEP! Even with all the shots I have to have and the medical bills. I sure do! The whole experience with being pregnant and having Jenson was amazing and I just want to do it again and again. So far, Alek has got me under control but I'm sure it won't take too much time before I can convince him ;)
81: I can't drink water out of glass cups. It makes it have a funny taste! It's got to be plastic or out of a straw. And it HAS to have ice in it. Not just 1 or 2 ice cubes. I mean the cup has to be full of ice.
82: I don't usually wear sunglasses because every pair of sunglasses that I've ever had (which is a lot) I always lose within the first week or I break them. :(
83:I'm scared of the dark.
84: I hate the smell of coffee
85: I love pickles and mushrooms! The two things my husband despises.
86: I love Sudoku and can't beat anyone in a Sudoku race. I'm a nerd.
87: The only game I play on my phone is Spider Solitaire.
88: I use to play the flute.
89: I'm the one that manages the money and pays the bills. Alek is the spender.
90: I don't understand Twitter.
91: I like my sleep. At nights I'm always the first to fall asleep and usually the last to wake up.
92: Because Alek did not serve a mission. I have a very sensitive heart on the topic of missions and missionary work.
93:I took gymnastics for 2 years and still was only able to do a cart wheel. I am not a tumbling type of person. Alek has tried and tried to get me to learn back flips on the tramp and it scares the crap out of me!
94: At night, I sleep with 4 pillows. One under my head, one on top of my head, one on the side of me, and one between my legs.
95:I hate texting.... Sure if there is something to discuss that's different. but when it's just to chat just because your bored, I usually won't text you back or I'll end the conversation.
96:One talent I wish I had is interior design. I don't get how people can vision weird colors, patterns, textures, and put them together into a room to make it looks amazing. My brain doesn't work like that.... so.... who wants to come decorate my house??
97: I am really bad at holding grudges.
98: Call me biased.. But I have the cutest and smartest dog in the world.
99: I don't like the snow. Well I do.. if I'm indoors :)
100: My husband does NOT have red hair.
This was so cute! I might have to copy you.... Turns out we have a lot in common! I'm commenting though because I'm curious about the sleeping on the stomach thing. I'm the same way and I'm so stressed I won't get any sleep when I'm pregnant cuz you can't sleep on your stomach. Howd you survive?
ReplyDeleteahhhh.... yes! that was the HARDEST for me. That's like the only thing I think about when I start wondering if I'm ready to get pregnant again. In my head im like, "Are you really ready to give up sleeping on your stomach?" hahaha then I'm like, Nah.. I can wait a few more years. It was hard. But i guess after awhile you are just so big and uncomfortable anyways and so exhausted, that you just learn to adapted. I never bought any of those pregnancy pillows cuz I'm so cheap, but I hear they do wonders! :)