The Lund's

The Lund's


3 Months

I feel like I'm finally getting this mom stuff down. I know as soon as I say that things are going to flip flop. But, as of right now, me and Jenson are on a pretty good schedule. I now know (most of the time) exactly what he wants when he starts fussing. Which was my BIGGEST fear before having kids! With other babies, as soon as they started crying (which happened a lot when I was holding them) all I needed to do was hand them back to their mom. I feel like a super women when Jenson starts fussing and people hand him back to me and I can calm him down. BOOO-YAA! I always feel like saying, "That's right, I'm his Mom. I know what to do"
We finally have a good routine down for night. We bath and feed him around 8pm or just whenever he is seeming tired and then He is out for the night! Well... until 5am... But, that's 9-10 hours so I'm thinking that's pretty awesome. It's crazy just how into his system this routine is. Because literally it is exactly 5:00-5:02am that he wakes up EVERY morning. Never 5:15.  I am amazed at how on top of things he is! He'll eat and then go right back to sleep till 8-9. It makes me one happy momma! 
There are a few times at night when he'll wake up around 2-3am and it's always because he has come un-swaddled. Which it still a MUST for him. Once you swaddle him back up, he is right back asleep before you even have time to put his binkie back in his mouth. It's so funny how swaddling him up will calm his down instantly. I thought being swaddled was only a newborn thing? I'm curious how much longer it's going to last!

This past month we have finally gotten him to laugh! Well.. his dad got him to first and OF COURSE I wasn't there to witness it. :( Then, finally like 3 weeks later he laughed for me. It melts my heart every time. If you don't follow me on Instagram, you most definitely should because I posted a video of him laughing the other day. It was the happiest moment in my entire life! He was laughing at his Aunts who were teasing Rorie, playing keep away with one of Rorie's toys. This made Jenson laugh SO hard! The video I recorded lasted for 3 minutes and I didn't even record the whole thing. Man, it was hilarious, that he found that so funny! I totally would post the video on here.... I just am not that tech-savvy and am too lazy to figure it out. Sorry... ;0 

Jenson has also found his hands. They are CONSTANTLY in his mouth and he is always drooling everywhere. Sometimes I think maybe he is already starting to teeth? But, I've never gone through this before so really I'm have know idea.

He is getting pretty chunky! He is mostly in 6 months clothes right now... haha. He has to eat every 2 hours on the dot during the day and not a minute late or he will throw a tantrum. And if you think you are going to try and burp him in between eating... You better think again. NO ONE interrupts Jenson when he is eating. Or else, he will get all red faced, scream, and stiffen up. It's actually quite hilarious. 

 He loves:
Bath time
Watching football
Eating, eating, and more eating.
Holding on to mom's shirt while eating
Cat naps
Listening to music as he goes to sleep
Seeing how many blow outs he can create a day.

He despises:
Tummy time
Taking naps
Sitting in his Bumbo
When you hold him in towards your chest-he has to face outward to see everything.

Okay, really I just talk to much about my baby don't I? Well now you can just enjoy his 3 months pictures. I have a feeling these pictures are going to get harder and harder to take every month. You can see why below. :)

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