The Lund's

The Lund's


4 months!

This happy dude is 4 months! 
I can't even believe it.

He weighs 16 lbs (75%)
Is 25.5 inches long (77%)
and has a head cir. of 44cm (91%)
and is now in 6-9 month clothes
He eats 4-5 oz every 2 hours on. the. dot.
He has now figured out how to use his hands. He can grab objects and brings them straight to his mouth.

He's not a big crier, unless you take his bottle away to burp him.... mostly when he wants something or is upset he GRUNTS.  

He has found his feet and tries to grab them, He is so close!

Jenson still is sleeping very well! and has FINALLY gotten passed the 5am wake up call. Sometimes we still get up that early but lately it's been 5:45-6:15. Last night he slept from 8pm-6:45am! YAY! I fed him,and he went straight back to sleep, in fact that's why I'm blogging right now. I can't sleep and he's fast asleep snuggled right next to me. Don't think life can get any more perfect <3 

Jenson can roll over from his belly to his back like a champ!

He LOVES his daddy! No one makes him laugh like his daddy can.

Being swaddled is not so much an issue anymore to get him to fall asleep. Sometimes he wants to be swaddled for naps during the day (it's a big guessing game) but at night he likes to be sprawled out with his hand above his head.

We've been working on the rice cereal. So far, he absolutely HATES it.

But he LOVES his sweet potatoes and pears.

The thing that makes me the most sad is that He no longer likes to be cuddled to sleep. He grunts and fights and kicks against me! Now I lay him down in his crib awake and he will instantly close his eyes and go to sleep. Awww... I miss my snuggly baby!!! :(

His NEWEST thing is this:

Whahh! Talk about worrying mom to death! He loves to have his face covered while he sleeps. scares me! He's going to suffocate! Every time I try and move the blanket or pillow he gets upset. I have to wait until he is fast asleep! Even though it's scary, it's still the funniest thing! As soon as I lay him down for a nap, he is instantly reaching for something or turning his head this way and that until he's completely covered. Crazy boy!

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