I'm not go to lie... this passed month has been the hardest month yet. I don't know if it was because Al and I were gone for half of it on our cruise or... what. That's what I'm blaming it on. But, really I think it's just a phase. Jenson is going through a tantrum/stubborn stage. Tantrums???? Already??? I thought I still had another year before I had to deal with those.
He wants to do everything himself. Especially when it comes to eating. He also thinks he is too big for his pureed fruits and veggies now days and only wants to eat what mom and dad are eating, even if that means pizza. He also only wants to eat his cheddar puffs, and gold fish. Seriously he could eat those all day long. And it's like all hell breaks loose when I finally cut him off. Holy cow!!
We eat tons of toast, bagels, eggs, eggs, and more eggs. It's so hard to cook dinner now!!
Also, weird little fact, Jenson HATES watermelon!! He can't be my child if he doesn't like watermelon. ;) IT's a disgrace! Only because I eat a whole watermelon by myself pretty much every week. Oh well, I guess more for me!
Jenson has also decided that he doesn't like his diaper changed anymore. It is seriously a wrestling match every. single. time. Blood curdling screaming, trying to pin him down, getting poop everywhere.... Seriously child?? Isn't he too young to be acting this way???
(He thinks) He is too big for his walker now and would much rather walk around holding someone's fingers. Once again, he could do this all day long. My back kills and my fingers are bruised purple. If I'm busy doing something, and unable to walk around with him, he will throw himself on the floor and scream. I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I abuse my child.
I seriously hope this is just a phase!! I'm trying my hardest not to spoil him and let him get his way. But, man I can only take so many tantrums in one day. I seriously am exhausted when the day is over and look forward to bedtime.
Okay, enough with the doom and gloom. He is still the most perfect boy around. I love him with all my heart, tantrums and all. I have a huge crush on his big blue eyes and his messy sweaty nap hair. I also love that he has started playing with my hair again while he eats and cuddles me in the morning at his 5 o'clock eating time. He wakes up so happy every morning. There is nothing better to wake up to than a happy babbling baby in the monitor and to go into his room to see his smiling face looking at me through the bars. Gosh he's so dang cute!!!
He LOVES swimming. Doesn't matter how cold the water is... he wants to get in that water NOW! We got him his own kiddy pool and we are in the thing every single day.
He still has no teeth haha but I have a feeling this will be the last monthly update where I have to say that. Fingers crossed. (Ps, I know the pics show that he has teeth. But, that's because I took the pictures like 3 weeks after writing this blog post haha) At his last Dr. app. the Dr. said that it looked like his top teeth were closer than his bottom teeth. It's true, his top gums are sooooo swollen. I feel awful and wish I could do something to get the teeth in quicker. I hoping that his teeth are the reason for all the tantrums... and I swear he is going to get all his teeth in at once. Every time I see his gums, they look closer and closer to breaking through. They're just taking their dear sweet time. Nothing beats a big, cheesy, gummy, Jenson smile though. :)
He can now pull himself up to things, the tub, the couch, and most recently in his crib. It scared me half to death when I walked in to see him standing up! Ahhh!
Probably the happiest moment this month is when we went to a birthday party, and someone that had just met Jenson, told me how much he looked like me. I seriously almost teared up I was sooo happy! I said, "Everybody else says the opposite." She said, "Ya, I can see his dad in him too but, I can also see a lot of you." It seriously made my whole day. Apparently her and I are the only ones in the entire world that thinks Jenson looks anything like me. It's from his nose up, same eye shape, forehead. Yup... he gets it from me. :) Oh, and Jenson is also super shy. Alek has never been the shy kind of person, so I know for a fact that is like me! He hides his face in my chest when strangers try to talk to him. I love it :)
Seriously, I don't know what I did to get such a cute little stinker. I am still in denial that next months update will most likely be the last and 12th update I've done. How has it already been almost a year? :( oh the tears.......
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