So obviously the biggest thing is that he is walking. I seriously was freaking out that he wouldn't be walking before his little bro was born (18 months) and that I would have two babies to carry around. But, seriously within like one week he just took off. We were all pretty amazed. I'll just have to get one of the leash things once his brother comes around so I can keep track of him.
Words Jenson can say:
-Ball (everything round is a ball)
-More: sounds a lot like mom, and people get confused and say, "aw He is saying mom." But, nope! He just wants more food. :)
-Boo: he hides under the table then comes out and yells "Boo!"
-Ro-Ro: (Rorie) and every other dog.
-Baby: He says baby when he sees his baby pictures. Hopefully that's a good step to getting him use to the idea of a baby brother!!
Other words Jenson can understand:
-No: I'm soooo glad he hasn't learn how to say this yet. But, every time we say it too him, he shakes his head no. Or if he is doing something that he knows he isn't suppose to do, like play in the dog food, he'll look at me, shake his head, then start playing in it. Little stinker!
-Outside: He loves to go outside. All I need to say is, "Jens, do you want to go outside?" and he'll run grab his shoes then go sit by the door. Smart boy!
-Bye-bye: Obviously he's done this for awhile. When I am going to dance I'll say, "Jenson, I'm going to go bye-bye" and he'll just wave without even stopping what he is doing.
-Loves: Sometimes if he's in a good mood, he'll give you a hug if you ask for some loves. Mostly he'll do it to the dogs.
-Kisses and blow kisses: He'll blow kisses all the time. But, just like 'loves' he's got to be in a good mood in order to hand out real-slobbery kisses.
-Juice: His sippy cup
-Garbage: He'll throw things away if you ask him too. :)
-Binky and Blankey: These sound so similar, I'm not sure he knows the difference or if it's a package deal. He usually only gets both when its nap time. He has grown quite attached to a blankey that he stole from grandma's house. It use to be uncle Brandon's blanket. He saw that thing and seriously hasn't let go of it since.

-Rearranging everything from one cupboard to another.
-Hiding his toys in the pantry
-Throwing everything away. (Not just garbage)
-Eating, eating, eating,
-Playing in water
-Being outside
-Throwing sticks and rocks in the canal
-Playing in the dogs food and water dish
-Playing in the dirt
He is a very good eater. I swear he eats as much as his prego mom. :) He loves everything except veggies... I can't get him to eat any vegetables. Any one have any tips?? His favorites are still avocados and eggs. He snacks constantly and prefers goldfish and ritz crackers. He chugs his apple juice like there's no tomorrow and loves when mom surprises him with chocolate milk.
He is really good at throwing tantrums and fake crying. I have a really hard time not laughing when he throws himself on the floor. I can't complain though because after each tantrum, he will usually come and give me a hug... awwwww... makes my heart melt. Then just like that everything is better and he's off to his next project. :)

Jenson is such a good sleeper! I was definitely blessed to have him. Especially while being pregnant and super tired myself. He sleeps 7 to 730pm until anywhere from 7-8am. 12-13 hours!! He takes his first nap at 10am and usually sleep two hours. Then takes another hour nap in the afternoon around 130 or 2. Of course there are always a few nights that are a bit rough because of teething and what not... But so far he's been amazing and I'm crossing my fingers his brother takes after him!
Jenson now has 8 teeth. 6 on top and 2 little guys on bottom. I definitely know he's working on some more because it's been a rough few days. The question is which ones.... They have all come in backwards. Not literally backwards but the timeline has been a bit screwy.
Goodness I love this little boy more and more everyday. I truly am soooo blessed. I love that I get to be home with him and watch him learn and grow. He forever has my heart.
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