The Lund's

The Lund's


January Ramblings

One of my News Years goals was to write in my blog once a week this year. Whoa! Really challenging myself huh? Pretty sure I wrote in it a total of 6 times last year.😁 So... to go from 6 to 52 hahaha! We will see how this goes. Considering it's January 12th and I'm just getting around to my first post.... well I am already slacking.
Anyways, as I sit here, both kids asleep (win!) I can't really find anything specific to talk about sooo.... I guess today it will just be me rambling with whatever comes to my mind.

January is always a pretty awful month. Everything is frozen and there's not much to do. If I was a good mom I'd probably get us all dressed and go pull the boys around in the sled. But, man, that sounds like a lot of work. Plus, playing outside is always a lot more fun with dad! I'm not a big fan of snow. For reals though, cabin fever and kicked in on it's highest level. Can't it just be summer already so we can get out of the house and go play at the park?

You know how you have good weeks and then like... not so good weeks. Where one week you just feel like super mom and the house is clean, kids are happy, and everything goes good? And then every once in awhile you get stuck in a little rut where you are tired and don't want to do anything and feel like your failing as a mom? Ya, I think this week has been a "stuck in a rut" week for me. Sigh....that's alright though! As long as I'm  trying my best right??

On a completely different note... I started a workout plan this week and well... some might call it a diet but I just want to look at it as a lifestyle change (hahaha) because I really hate diets and don't believe in them. So... I'm hoping that these better food choices I am making are going to last. ;) Anyways, I started the BBG girls by Kayla Itsines It's a 12 week program and embarrassingly enough I started with the 4 week pre-program first. I have done a few of her workouts before and they are INTENSE! So, I figured, why not just start from the very beginning? I guess, technically I will begin the actual program in 4 weeks once I finish the pre-training. But, so far.. so good! I knew the eating healthy would be the hard part for me. But, so far I haven't eaten anything I have absolutely hated, it's actually been quite tasty! It's crazy all the recipes that are out there that don't include processed food and are jammed packed with vegetables! The workouts have also been good! Monday we did legs and cardio, Tuesday we ran, and Yesterday (Wednesday) we did a arm and abs workout. I'm still sore from Mondays workout! I feel great and hopefully I can keep up with it and start seeing results soon! Swimsuit season here I come! 😉

Another reason why I think that this week I've been stuck in a rut (wow I'm jumping all over the place with topics! Welcome to Lindsie's brain...) is because we have received lots of bad news regarding our house. Things that I don't need to bore you with in this post... I'll save that for my house update post. I swear things are always just getting pushed back and not going as fast as I would like. I get my hopes up when I hear how fast things could happen but, obviously things NEVER go according to plan when your building a house. So.... here we will stay at my parents house forever it seems like. Gosh dang those city workers!!!

Anyways... I just stopped typing to look for a cute picture to post of my kids... but I just had to switch phones a few days ago and currently don't have a single picture on my phone.... so lucky you... you get to see a current seflie 😉

Also, I was super pumped to find out blogspot added emojis because I use those things a lot when I'm writing so now I get to add them into my blogs! Yay! 😃

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