The Lund's

The Lund's


Briggs 10 months!

 Briggs is 10 months old!
He is such a very laid back baby- as long as mommy is close by.
He is a momma's boy through and through. Especially lately since he has been teething. If I am in the room, he only wants me and clings to me for dear life. He's my little koala bear baby.
He says mamama
He finally got his two bottom teeth and more top ones are on their way!
He is getting braver with walking along things and will stand for a few seconds.
He has discovered the stairs... He didn't even take a few minutes to figure out how to climb those things, he literally just took up those stairs like no big deal. I was like... what the crap???? Now, that's where we spend most of our day.
He sleeps 7pm-630am religiously and takes 2-3 naps a day.
He wants nothing to do with baby food anymore and only wants to eat big boy food.
He doesn't seem to be a picky eater and usually will eat anything. Whoo!
He is wearing size 12-18 months clothes. 
He puts anything and everything into in mouth. His favorite being dog food and rocks. We always have to be on the watch.
We love you Briggs-y boy :)

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