I think I can speak for most people when I say that change is hard! Especially when you have been comfortable with something for so long and then you're forced to jump into something completely different.
I consider myself pretty lucky. So far, life has been pretty simple and with out too many challenges. Knock on wood. Al and I enjoy the simple life of work and being parents.
The last few months have thrown us a few curve balls. A few things have happened that probably a normal person would look at and think, "No big deal." But, to Al and I, it has made us stop and rethink things.
Now, to get cheesy. Al pal is my best friend! I am lucky to be able to see him and spend time with him as much as I do! I truly rely on him. If there's a day when he works late, or is out of town, I literally get depressed and grumpy! Just being with him and having him home makes me so happy!
A few months ago.. Alek lost his Job. I'll keep the details vague. It was expected in some ways but mostly unexpected. Al LOVED his Job! It was a great job and we were planning on him being with that company for..... well... ever haha. He had actually started going to school to get a degree for that job. We thought we were set for life. But, the Lord had a different plan for us. I guess all good things come to an end? But, hopefully, only to start better things.
Anyways... Al was out of a job for a few months. I think it impacted me the most because I'm kind of the one that manages the money. I was pretty stressed out. Al never really understood why I was stressed about it. Al's personality is kind of like.. 'Go with the flow' or 'Whatever happens happens.' Which, I guess we even each other out quite well. :) I remember just looking into the future and just thinking, "what are we going to do?" "How are we going to survive?"
While I was stressing, Al was trying to figure out what his next step was. He was under A LOT of pressure! Here he was, no job, and a wife and son counting on him to be the provider. He decided to go to Weber Tech. College down in Ogden for Mechanics. A completely opposite direction from where we thought we were headed with his first job. He dove in head first. He was such a hard worker! Instantly became Honor Student, Teachers Pet, Top of his class, and was able to get scholarships to help pay for school. I was so proud of him and his hard work!
We were lucky that we were able to live off of savings for a few months. Also,
Rorie having puppies and selling them helped a ton. But, all too quickly that money disappeared. It was time that Al, really did need a job! One day Alek called me while at school. He told me that His teachers had set up an interview for him for a job down in Ogden working as a Mechanic. Awesome right? I wasn't sure... I didn't have a good feeling about it and I didn't like the idea of him being all the way down in Ogden working. See how attached I am to him??? But, family had us convinced this was an awesome opportunity.
He ended up getting the job. With very promising benefits, pay raises, and moving up in the company. But, I still could not help but feel like this wasn't right....
Sure, enough a week into the job. Alek knew that all those promises about raises and benefits were a load of B.S. The guy that hired him turned into a complete D!#&. He started looking for Mechanic jobs in the Valley and after only working in Ogden a week and 1/2 he quit. He applied for a job at Rocky Mountain RV in Logan and got an interview the next day. That night, I was at dance, and started having a convo with one of my friends about how Al was looking for a mechanics job. Turns out the place where she works, Logan Country Club, was looking to hire a mechanic!
Alek called the Country Club and set up an interview with them a couple days later. Man, it was the PERFECT job for Al. The pay was good, it was a few blocks away from home, the hours were awesome, and (a plus for Alek) He gets free weekly golf passes. (insert laughing emoji here)
They didn't give Alek an answer right away. They said they would let him know in a week. We tried really hard not to get our hopes up. We prayed every night, hoping Al would get that job. We also prayed that if he didn't get the job, we would be patient, and understand that it was for a reason and something better was in store. After praying one night, I had a huge but simple feeling to fast and perfect enough, that next Sunday was Fast Sunday.
Confession: I have always been really bad when it comes to Fasting. A fun fact: I have been known to have a really loud growling stomach. One time I literally had the whole Sunday school class laughing at me because my stomach was growling soooo loud!! Every one was passing gum down the aisle to me, trying to help. But, I swear gum only makes it worse! It sounds silly but, I stress every time I fast. Also it seems like I always could find an excuse why not to fast, especially when I was pregnant and then while nursing.
But, that Sunday, Al and I fasted. It felt good. We even made it without any embarrassing stomach growling experiences. ;)
Rocky Mountain RV called Alek and offered him the job. Al turned it down. Everyone thought we were crazy! Again, we just didn't feel it was right... We were losing hope with the Country Club because it had been over a week since we had heard from them. Al kept trying to follow up with them but all He ever got was their voice mail. Things weren't looking very good. We started second guessing our decision of turning down the RV offer.
A day later, almost 2 weeks since his interview with the country club, Al got a call from the Country Club and they offered him the job.
Al has been working there for about a month now and is loving it. We are sooo blessed and so thankful that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us and our needs. I know that He has a plan for us and is always willing to help us. Man! There is no greater feeling! :)